Narcissistic Test | Free Online Narcissistic Personality Assessment
This narcissistic personality test online is designed to help individuals recognise patterns commonly associated with narcissism in others, particularly in relationships. While it serves as a preliminary narcissistic assessment test, it is not a substitute for a professional diagnosis. The goal of this narcissist test is to identify potential narcissistic traits in a partner or close associate, guiding you in deciding whether to seek professional advice if concerns arise.
For each statement, select the option that best describes the behaviour of the person in question using the following scale:
- Strongly Disagree: 1 point
- Disagree: 2 points
- Neutral: 3 points
- Agree: 4 points
- Strongly Agree: 5 points
Add up the points for each statement to calculate your total score.
Test Questions:
Self-Perception and Superiority:
- They believe they are superior, more special, and unique than other people.
- They often talk about success, power, brilliance, beauty, or love using larger-than-life terms.
- They consider themselves more capable and talented than others/their peers.
- They ignore those they feel are inferior, relating only to ‘high-status’ individuals.
Entitlement and Exploitativeness:
- They feel entitled to special treatment and privileges in all areas of life.
- They use their looks and sexuality to get attention, what they want, and to manipulate others.
- They believe rules do not apply to them as they do to others.
- They often engage in high-risk behaviours, like driving fast or irresponsibly.
Empathy and Relationships:
- They are ‘cold,’ disconnected, or jealous towards others and their feelings.
- They find it hard to maintain healthy, long-term relationships.
- They often manipulate or control people to get what they want.
- They do bad things but do not feel guilty, show remorse, or apologise.
Attention-Seeking and Validation:
- They need constant admiration and attention from others.
- They often brag about their achievements, talents, and material possessions.
- They prefer to associate with people who are successful or high-status.
- In groups, they are the centre of attention or withdraw from the crowd.
Emotional Regulation and Self-Esteem:
- They feel devastated by perceived criticism or rejection.
- They often feel bored, and empty, and find it difficult to be alone.
- They often seem happy or are highly critical when others suffer or fail.
- They often react unexpectedly and out of proportion to situations, with shouting or rage.
Accountability and Responsibility:
- They have inappropriate relationships with others, often overstepping boundaries.
- They use friends/acquaintances to pressure others and then blame them if things go wrong.
- They do not accept responsibility for any action perceived as ‘wrong.’
- They often ‘project’ whatever they are accused of onto others to avoid blame.
Lying and Gaslighting:
- They ‘second-guess’ or doubt others until the person feels disoriented or ‘crazy.’
- They are unpredictable and inconsistent until others feel nervous (‘walking on eggshells’).
- They often lie, even when there is no obvious need to.
- They do not answer any questions directly which may make them look bad.
- Strongly Disagree: 1 point
- Disagree: 2 points
- Neutral: 3 points
- Agree: 4 points
- Strongly Agree: 5 points
Add up the points for each statement to calculate your total score.
- Up to 56 Points: Very low likelihood of narcissistic behaviour. The person may not exhibit many narcissistic traits.
- 57-83 Points: Low likelihood of narcissistic behavior. The person may have some narcissistic traits; caution is advised.
- 84-111 Points: Increased likelihood of narcissistic behavior. The person likely exhibits many narcissistic traits, and it is important to seek further evaluation and support.
- More than 112 Points: High likelihood of narcissistic behaviour. The person exhibits strong narcissistic traits, and professional help is highly recommended.
Important Note:
This narcissistic disorder test is only a preliminary assessment and cannot replace a professional evaluation. If you or someone you know scores high on this narcissist test online, it’s crucial to consult a mental health professional immediately for a thorough evaluation and necessary support.
For those seeking a quick and accessible option, this free narcissist test provides an initial insight, but remember that nothing replaces a comprehensive evaluation from a licensed professional.
You will also find the following links helpful for understanding narcissism and its impacts on our lives.
How to Protect Our Online Activity When Living in an Abusive Relationship
Terminology and Definitions Used When Talking About Narcissism
How to Identify The Different Types of Narcissist
How to Spot Narcissists and Narcissism
How to build an Effective Support System - Strategies for Victims of Narcissistic Abuse
Divorcing a Narcissist - What You Should Know About the Legal System and the Courts
N.A.N Blog
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