N.A.N Blog
The Perfect Match: Narcissists and Romance
We learn about the destructive narcissistic abuse cycle - how narcissists woo their love interest with excessive gifts, time and money, then, once trapped, devalue and discard them. Learn how to spot narcissists and avoid the pain of a relationship with them.
Are Toxicity and Narcissism the Same Thing?
This post shows the subtle and not-so-subtle differences between toxicity and narcissism, two terms used to describe people who create dysfunctional relationships and interfere with daily life. We may encounter either within our family or amongst friends and work colleagues.
The Best Way to Raise Narcissists: A Cautionary Tale
This article summarises how narcissism develops through childhood into adolescence and adulthood and provides a helpful checklist for our own actions as children, adults and parents. Readers learn how they can decrease the risk of narcissism developing in their own children and in through how they interact with the children of relations and friends.
How to Take Revenge on Your Narcissistic Abuser
Taking revenge on the narcissist is a natural reaction to the abuse and manipulation we have suffered during our relationship with them. However, the best way to 'take revenge' is to forget about the narcissist, focus on our own recovery and healing and enjoy our new life, living it to the fullest. Keeping our focus is critical for the energy we need to detach ourselves from the relationship and making sure that we are not lured into new narcissistic relationships.